Attributes Overview

Attribute schemas (commonly called attributes) define are definitions for attribute values, which are stored on Traffic ID keys (identities). With the API, you can attributes programmatically manage these attributes.

Attribute fields are also created automatically when new keys are saved to Split. Those newly created attributes are created with an unknown data type and with no display or description information. It is recommended to customize or update your attributes to ensure each attribute has a data type and attribute description.

The data type is an optional parameter which is used for display formatting purposes. This parameter is not used to validate the values on inbound keys, but incorrectly typed data is displayed as their raw string. The data types available include string, datetime, number, and set; this value can also be left null and the data is treated as a string. Values for datetime fields are expected to be passed as milliseconds past the epoch. Values for set fields are expected to be passed in a string as comma separated values. If an unsupported data type is sent, you receive a 400 error code as a response.

Attribute Field Limits:

  • attributeID: 200 Characters
  • Display Name: 200 Characters
  • Description: 500 Characters
  • Suggest Value Length: 50 Characters
  • Suggest Value Count: 50 Items

CSV Limits:

  • Row Limit: 1000
  • File Size Limit: 1MB
  "id": "string", // Attribute identifier, same as used in identity value map
  "trafficTypeId": "string", // Traffic type this attribute is associated with
  "displayName": "string", // (Optional) How the attribute will be displayed in the UI, defaults to the id
  "description": "string", // (Optional) A description of the attribute
  "dataType": "string", // (Optional) The data type of the attribute used for display formatting, defaults to displaying the raw string. Must be one of: null, "string", "datetime", "number", "set"
  "isSearchable": boolean // (Optional) If the attribute should appear in searches for individual targets